Thank You

I want to help.
This is what I have heard the most in the last six weeks. I want to help. 
Originally, it came from our churches, our friends and family, our amazing volunteers and leaders. They wanted to know what we were doing, how they could help and love the families here in our House of Hope communities. We started with lunches, school supplies and crafts. Later we transitioned from lunches to weekly food boxes. Together we have surpassed 2,500 lunches and 120 food boxes as well as meeting many other needs that have come up. I am overwhelmed by the amount of generosity that is making this possible. 
To everyone who has so generously given, I want you to know that our families here have felt it. They have felt seen, heard and loved. I know this because the source of those who want to help has shifted. I am hearing it consistently now from our families we are serving. They want to help, to give back. Countless conversations with our families end sounding like this:
“When I get back on my feet, I want to help a family in need” 
“When this is over, I want to be part of your mission here”
“I’m going to pay this forward” 
“I don’t have much, but I want to help someone too” 
The fire is spreading. We have had multiple families here in our community who have brought over a box of juice boxes, an extra box of cereal, have gone to other food drives, and brought back donations for House of Hope. We had a neighbor shop for another neighbor in our community. We had a neighbor offer to drive donations from Orion to Oxford for us. This, I believe, is why God never intended the church to be in a building. I have seen more growth, empowerment and community involvement in the last six weeks than I have in our four years of being here. People want to give back because love is contagious. When the church building closed, we unleashed the love of Jesus over our communities in ways we have not dared before and the results could bring me to tears. 
This has always been our dream for House of Hope, that our communities would be empowered. We have never been a fan of handouts- that’s not why we are here. Our vision is that our House of Hope communities would rise up in love and take care of each other. Because everyone has something to give. Everyone has a gift and a purpose and when we lock arms and look out for each other, I believe we have an unbelievable amount of what we need already right here in our neighborhood. 
So whether you live in our neighborhood, in our community, or have given from far away- thank you for being love. 



An Open Letter


Beauty in Ashes