An Open Letter

An open letter to every child who has stood on my porch.

You will not remember all the things we have done or the things we have said. Much of it will grow distant from your memory the way all things do. There will be bits and pieces that stick, and I hope those are memories of feeling joyful and free. Memories of being supported and loved. Memories of someone cheering you on. I hope you remember the feeling of safety and community, of being seen, heard and loved.  

Because I know once you leave my porch, there are going to be days when the world tells you you can’t and I pray you remember the times we told you you can. 

There are going to be days when you feel it is you against the world and I pray you remember the times we all stood hand in hand and remember that no, you are not alone. You are never alone.

There are going to be days when you mess up, you’ll fall down and make mistakes. I pray you remember not to beat yourself up. There is grace and love and you are worthy of second chances and allowed to be fully and beautifully human. 

There are going to be days when you question who you are. I pray you remember that you are a difference maker and legacy changer. You are AMAZING. You are one of a kind and shining with beauty! Your circumstances do not define you. Material things do not define you. What others say does not define you. You are a masterpiece.

I hope you remember that you, child, can do hard things. You are brave and strong. You are resilient. You were not dealt the easiest hand, but that path you had to walk gives you a strength and understanding that few have. 

I hope when you question if you are making a difference, you remember that you have made a difference in me. You have given me a glimpse of God’s work in you. Because of you, I have a better picture of who Jesus is. You have given me hope when I felt defeated and shown me love on my own stormy days. 

I am far from perfect. You have probably seen me with swollen eyes and unwashed hair. There were days I didn’t answer the door or said the wrong things. Days I kept walking when I should have slowed down. I am far from perfect. But even on my worst days- know that I am cheering you on.

When you go off into the world and your days are no longer filled with bird street names, know that there is always a seat on my porch for you to come back. Because you, child, are loved.



Giving Tuesday


Thank You