Seeds of Hope
As I approached, they all rushed into the street to greet me. Lemonade spilling out of one hand and a cup of change and dollar bills in the other. A common summer occurrence, these kids were running my change jar dry. But how do you not? So I dug around my center console until I found a stray dollar bill and rolled down my window.
They raced, all trying to get their heads in the window at the same time and, somewhere in the tangle of arms, an outstretched hand extended the cup of money into my car. To which I added my dollar bill.
But instead of taking it back they kept the cup there between us. “It’s for you!” they exclaimed
“For me? Is that how lemonade stands work these days? That seems a little backwards,” I joked and again tried to give them my dollar.
“No,really, it’s for you. The blessing box is empty, we want to help!”
I told them how amazing they are and how cool that was, but assured them I would find more food for the box and they could keep their money.
But this group of kids has hearts set for bigger things than anything I could stop. I am grateful for this, because giving back and loving your neighbors is a blessing to those who do it as well as those who receive it. I am still learning to let people help, no matter the age, realizing that, by not allowing them to, I am depriving them of something beautiful. I am thankful they did not let me get in their way.
So I learned that, after I drove away, they went home still determined and asked a parent to take them to the store where they bought food for the blessing box.
And they didn’t stop there. They had a friend whose family they knew could use a little extra support this month, so they gave a portion of their earnings to their family as well.
They saw a need and they did something about it. They are 5, 6, 8, 9 or 12 years old- they are kids. Normal lemonade stand money goes towards trips to the mall, candy at the gas station, and that new pair of Jordans you’ve been eyeing. But that’s not what they did. They loved a neighbor. They loved many neighbors.
They planted a seed of hope in me.
I pray constantly that these kids would wake up each day and choose love. That they would choose to lift someone up and that the harshness of this world would not break down their pure hearts but rather make His light shine stronger through them. And I was reminded while smiling at how much I love them, that God is smiling even bigger than me. I love them, but God loves them more. I have big hopes and dreams for them, but God has much bigger dreams than I could ever imagine and He has already begun.
And I hear God speaking over them….
Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ Matthew 25:23